Spotlight on December Graduates: Sybil Thomas, '16 #VUHRDStory

Another day began as the sun started to surface the horizon. The house was quiet, the dog was still sleeping, and there were no dishes in the sink. I laid awake in my bed listening to the low hum of my computer as a bird starts to chirp. “Did I really stay up all night?” I asked myself. I was awake thinking about my future. With graduation just a week away, I still had no clue what direction I wanted to go in my career. I started to panic, doubt myself, and become discouraged; then the search for my perfect graduate school began.
Villanova University ads started popping up on my computer, and I began to get annoyed when the ads automatically played music. In an attempt to turn off the sound, I accidentally clicked the ad. Before the page could load completely, the doorbell rang. I left my computer on the desk, and opened the door. “Nova is one of the best schools you could attend,” my roommate said as she walked past my computer. She started telling me stories of her different experiences during her time at Villanova and it sparked an interest. After I did a little research, I noticed that the HRD program incorporated a lot of psychology related material and concepts. I knew in that moment I found my perfect graduate program.
Since I started the Master's of Science in HRD program, my career goals have drastically changed. When I started, my main goal was to work my way up the corporate ladder and become some type of high executive. Now, the main goal in my career is to work for a music company such as Warner Brothers or Sony. Music is extremely important to me, so it would be a privilege to have music incorporated into my career as well! Before I get the opportunity to work for a music company, right now I am actively searching for a position that feels right to me. As I continue to walk through the countless doors of interviews, I am confident I will find a perfect fit.

As I walk the halls of Bartley for my last few classes, I start to get flashbacks of my first days at Villanova. My favorite memory during the HRD program would have to be with Dr. Katina Sawyer. I started to doubt myself in the fourth week into my first semester, and expressed to Katina that I wasn’t sure if I could finish the program. Everyone around me seemed much more experienced and prepared than I was at the time. After talking for a few minutes, she looked me straight in the eyes and said, “You can do this… you can!” She knew exactly what I needed to hear, and it was easy to believe her.
I learned three important lessons during my time at Villanova University: Don't panic, don't doubt yourself, and don't get discouraged during difficult times. There will always be different ways to get to a destination, so it's important not to let fear constrain any efforts of trying something that is not within the parameters of our comfort zones. It’s funny how the fears we never face, become our limitations.
Sybil Thomas is a soon-to-be alum of MS in HRD program at Villanova University, this December 2016. Connect with her here on LinkedIn!