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#VUHRDConversations: A Conversation with Dr. Katina Sawyer

Dr. Katina Sawyer is an Assistant Professor in the VUHRD Graduate Program. One of her current research projects focuses on "The Men who Mentor Women." She and her colleague, Dr. Anna Marie Valerio, have been studying male champions in the workplace: men who believe in gender equality and are engaged in advancing women leaders in their organizations. They recently interviewed senior male and female leaders from Fortune 500 organizations, CEO or a few levels down, to learn what behaviors these male champions engage in that promote gender equality. Their research has found that these male champions are using their authority to change workplace culture when it comes to gender parity.

This episode of #VUHRDConversations focuses on this research and the goals of the study. Listen to Dr. Katina Sawyer discuss what these male champions do differently and some key takeaways for our students and other HR professionals!

To learn more, check out the Harvard Business Review article "The Men Who Mentor Women", published last month, on their research!

Keep the #VUHRDConversation going! What do you think about this current research? Have you encountered a male champion in your workplace?

_____________________ Katina Sawyer, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Graduate HRD program at Villanova University. Learn more about her here!

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