Villanova HRD Conference Recap - Fall 2023
It's been a packed few months for #VillanovaHRD beginning with HR Indiana, followed by NYS SHRM, HR Southwest, Greater Valley Forge Human Resource Association's HR Summit, and SHRM Inclusion!
Some highlights include our own Associate Director, Bethany Adams giving a lively presentation about emotional intelligence and HRD Alum and Adjunct Faculty member Melonie Parker, Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer at Google, participating in the Keynote Panel at SHRM Inclusion! Villanova HRD also sponsored Rita Ernst's talk, "Cultural Repair: The New Mandate" at HR Southwest, was the keynote sponsor for GVFHRA Summit, and made it to conferences in Indiana and New York for the first time this year. Check out some of our favorite moments from these events!

#VillanovaHRD kicked off the conference season with #HRIndiana in August!

Happy to be a part of such a large state conference at #HRIndiana!

Bethany Adams and Morgan Haller represented the #VillanovaHRD team in our booth at this conference!

Villanova HRD booth at NYS SHRM!

We ran into Villanova HRD alum Melissa Walega at the NYS SHRM conference

Villanova Assistant Director, Corie Alicea, is always making friends at the conferences! We made some great connections at #NYSSHRM in September.
HR Southwest

Villanova HRD sponsored Rita Ernst's presentation at #HRSWC. She stopped by our booth to take a picture with HRD Program Coordinator, Keith Grohowski and HRD Assistant Director, Sheila McLaughlin.

Our #VillanovaHRD folks, Sheila, Keith, and Morgan, had a great time in Dallas for #HRSWC!

Villanova HRD Booth at HR Southwest!
Greater Valley Forge Human Resource Association Annual SUMMIT

Bethany Adams introduced the GVFHRA Keynote Speaker.

Christine Ramsey (HRD alum) and Marisa D'Errico (HRD Student) attended the conference!
SHRM Inclusion

SHRM Inclusion 2023 Keynote Panel included Melonie Parker, VP & Chief Diversity Officer at Google, also an HRD Alum & Adjunct Faculty Member.

Grateful to be a part of SHRM Inclusion in Savannah!

Met so many great HR Professionals at Inclusion, including HRD Alum, Carrie Neal!

Bethany's Emotional Intelligence presentation for SHRM Inclusion!

#VillanovaHRD had a great time at #SHRMInclusion this month!

So thankful for the opportunity to learn and grow at #SHRMInclusion!
Check out more conference photos and updates on our socials!
Instagram: @Villanovahrd
Facebook: Villanova HRD
Twitter: @Villanovahrd