VUHRD is excited to announce New Certificate Opportunities in HRD!
Villanova's HRD program has revamped their program and will be offering a new opportunity to students! We are excited to offer four concentration certificates that can be earned independently or in conjunction with the Master's program. The certificate concentrations will be: HR Business Partners, HR Leadership, Organizational Development, and HR Analytics and Research. These certificates will be available beginning in Spring 2018 for campus students (online availability coming soon)!

Each certificate requires 15 credits, all of which are directly transferable to the MS in HRD, if students should decide to complete the MS degree. Each certificate is tailored to important areas in the HR field so that students can become experts. Additionally, the certificate options can be used within the Master's Degree to develop a specialization and to tailor the students' education to their interests and career goals.
Here are the descriptions of the new certificates:
HR Business Partner Certificate: Provides students with a strong foundation in the major human resources functions which integrate to support the overall objectives of the business.
HR Leadership Certificate: Designed for HR professionals who will assume leadership roles in their organization. The courses in this certificate focus on aligning the human resource strategy with the strategic organizational objective.
Organization Development Certificate: Prepares students to evaluate overall organization effectiveness and lead planned change initiatives in their organization, resulting in positive organization change.
HR Analytics and Research: Leads students to the use of evidence-based analysis through the understanding of quantitative and qualitative research methods that will inform strategic business decisions.
It is important to note that in accordance with Villanova policy, no course may be triple counted toward a third credential in any program. Additionally, students must either complete or receive waivers for the prerequisite courses: HRD 8101- Intro to HR in the Business World and HRD 8102- Critical Evaluation and Research Writing.
See the full outline of certificates here, and MS in HRD program details here! If you are interested in registering, go here.