Networking: Showing Up and Being PresentI still think we need to be there sometimes. Out there. With other people. In the same room. I am as big a fan of working from home as...
Villanova HRD Conference Recap - Fall 2023It's been a packed few months for #VillanovaHRD beginning with HR Indiana, followed by NYS SHRM, HR Southwest, Greater Valley Forge Human...
Student Spotlight | Tyra Johnson | #VUHRDStoryIn HR, we are always focused on people - whether that be employees, employers, other HR professionals - and how to make their work...
Generational Differences in the WorkplaceDr. Heather Cluley, Villanova HRD Associate Director and Teaching Professor, discusses generational differences in the workplace.
HRD Alumni Spotlight | Jennifer Casalino | #VUHRDStoryIn HR, we are always focused on people - whether that be employees, employers, other HR professionals - and how to make their work...
Villanova HRD takes on: Villanova's 18th Annual Day of ServiceVillanova's annual Day of Service is held in honor of St. Thomas of Villanova who is known for his great charity to the poor and...
HR Tea Season 5 | Let's Talk About Well-Being!The #VillanovaHRTea Season 5 is now live on Google Podcasts and iTunes! This season we are talking well-being! Season 5 was produced by...
The VUSHRM Shop is Now Open!The VUSHRM shop is now open! All proceeds from the shop support student programming, scholarships, and membership for VUSHRM.
Student Spotlight | Marisa D'Errico | #VUHRDStoryIn HR, we are always focused on people - whether that be employees, employers, other HR professionals - and how to make their work...
Welcome Back, Fall Programming, and Meet the VUSHRM Officers! Welcome back #VillanovaHRD! In this post, check out some of our fall programming from HRD & VUSHRM, and meet our VUSHRM Officers.